
We have never yet feared anything in the realm of men. But the divine, Fortuna herself, we always hold dread of her as faithless and inconstant; and, for the very reason that in war she has been as a favourable gale in all our affairs to this point, and we still expect some change and reflux. We never act without first taking the auspices, in public and private matters, and with crimsoned hands and smoke from the altars in our eyes we give the utmost importance to the omens our augurs take from them, just as Romulus himself did, on the first day of our city’s existence. Even after successful auspices and a victorious campaign, secure and free from the danger of a now defeated enemy, we dread the change of the goddess at sea or entering a narrow mountain pass, whilst conveying home our victorious army, vast spoils, and a captive king. Nay, indeed, after we return and see the city full of joy, congratulating, and sacrifices, yet still we distrust, well knowing that Fortuna never conferred any great benefits that were unmixed and unattended with probabilities of reverse. Therefore it is not in the auspices alone that we place all of our trust, but we also put our faith into the customs of our fathers, and in the steel we fashion into the bane of our enemies. The chief glory and mainstay of our Res Publica, preserved intact and safe up to the present time with salutary steadfastness, is the tenacious bond of military discipline, and it is the gods themselves who have vouched that military discipline jealously conserved will win over the leadership of the whole of Italia; rule over many cities, great kings, mighty nations, the jaws of the Euxine, the shattered barriers of the Alpes and Tauri, all from our origin in Romulus’ little cottage. Our scars have scarcely healed from our last campaign, and they will never disappear, but we remain victorious and unconquered, as yet small, but trusting in the gods and in Fortuna as well as we might. The Conscript Fathers and our Res Publica, the Senatus Populusque Romanus and our gods, our brothers and fathers, we all carry down the mos maiorium for our sons and descendants and even for the great city itself. We trust in our past and with Fortuna’s good blessings and courage and arms, and a devotion to the gods, we trust in our glorious future as well.
Our soldiers are drawn from the various classes of our society. Some of the general multitude serve as skirmishers in the ranks of the Acensii, Roarii and Leves; after that is the heart of the Roman army, our heavy infantry. The Hastatii, the Principes and the Triarii are the backbone of any force we bring to the field of battle. Our cavalry, few in number but brave, are composed of the richest class, the Equites. This force is bolstered by many of our new allies, such as the Samnitii and the other tribes who have wisely succumbed to our protection. It is the sacred responsibility of all those under the rule of the Res Publica in time of war to rise up to defend Roma and her allies, and this they do with vigor. While they are not as fearsome or bred exclusively for war as the Gallus, or as professional as the mercenary employed by the Graeci or the Carthaginienses, each one knows what fate should befall their families and the Roman populace were they to suffer defeat in battle. Our advantage over the enemy lies not only in the determination of our citizens, but on the superior flexibility in battle of our legions. No foreigner shall ever enter as a conqueror into Rome, as long as her citizens draw breath!
As powerful as our armies have thus far proven themselves to be, the Senate is constantly aware of the numerous threats that conspire to overwhelm our strengths, and we advise you to take heed of our advice on these issues in particular. Our expansion in Italia has provided us with some measure of protection to the northeast, but barbarian tribes to the north constantly harry our cities and conquered territories in the north of the peninsula. The Gallic nations covet the best farmland south of the Alpes, and it is from their grasp that the Padus Valley must be taken if we hope to secure the entire peninsula. They are pressed by the Germani tribes farther to the north and by peoples to their west and northwest as well, and it would be wise for us to gain further information on their domains and activities for the time being. We are thankful that the Samnites are at long last defeated and the Lucani and Bruttii will not last long alone. You understand that our hands are now full with the conquest of the remainder of Italia, but we must not allow the Celtae peoples to advance unchecked any further south of their present territories. This time a year ago, the two most dire threats to the well being of the Res Publica existed in the person of Pyrrhus and the people of Carthago. But now we are thankful that his armies have been crushed and we have received word of late that his royal person is embarrassed to no longer be in possession of his own head. The eyes of Carthago look upon the full of Sicilia now that Pyrrhus is removed, and our interests would best be served ensuring that the mainland sees no Carthaginian intervention or expansion. If the gods so desire it, we will face them at sea one day, but for now it seems best to increase our power here. Finally, our agreements with certain cities have benefited us in trade, but if we wish to protect them and ultimately our own interests, we must have men enough to send to their aid, and risk the full anger of the Galli, Iberes, Carthaginians, or even the other Graeci. Make no treaties with foreign peoples unless the most dire consequences threaten and do not trust the Graeci in any fashion, even those Macedones in Aegyptus who sent an ambassador to us less than a year ago. Trust in the ways of your father and his ancestors, and our gods, and you will be successful if they so will it.
