Donations Chart:
Current Hosting Costs (August 2009 to April 2016): £1,606.78
Currently Donated: £1,697.74
Donation button restored
Update 10/08/2013: We are accepting donations again, as hosting costs will exceed donations within the next year. Current hosting costs are £12/month for the server and £26/year for our domains.
Update 02/11/2010: Thanks to a very large recent donation, the donation button has been removed. We should not need any further donations for the forseeable future. Many thanks to all who have donated over the years!
On 19 August 2009, Europa Barbarorum switched to a new, cheaper server provider. Consequently,
thanks to a very generous donation, we've settled the costs of the old server and we'll start afresh for our new server.
A staggering $4918 was donated between September 2005 and August 2009. Many thanks to all who
contributed, and a special thanks to Vercingetorix for providing the server for nearly 4
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