
News Archive
19th January 2008
The results of the Total War Center's Modding Awards are in, and (thanks to all our fans and supporters out there!) EB did particularly well, being voted the Awards for seven different categories. They are:
- Favourite RTW Mod
- Favourite RTW-Era Mod
- Favourite Original Audio
- Favourite RTW 2D Art
- RTW Coding
- RTW Scripting
- Outstanding Achievement - Team Award
as well as 2nd place in the Most Promising M2TW Mod Award!
Click here for the full results!
16th October 2007
Recruitment Viewer has been made available for download. Click here to download it.
12th October 2007
Europa Barbarorum v1.0 has been released!!
Go here to read the announcement and click here to start downloading right away.
12th October 2007
The building trees for the EB factions have been added to the Downloads: Guides section.
11th October 2007
The website itself has been given an update, which includes the Galleries, Downloads sections and most importantly unit pages.
The Eleutheroi unit pages have been given a massive update and many regional units are showcased on those pages. Go to the Eleutheroi Unit pages to see many of the new units in EB 1.0.
27th August 2007

The Europa Barbarorum team is delighted to announce the result of months of cooperation with the members of the American University Audio Technology department
to get multiple versions of the Greek Voicemod recorded. Gone are the "clone wars" from the battle field!
Apart from this major improvement to game-play,
the team is also proud to preview the other developments made on Voicemodding, such as entire 'new' languages getting their very own Voicemod.
You can read more here.
21st June 2007

We are happy to announce that we have been given permission by Prehistoric Music Ireland to use some of their music in EB.
For the full details go here
15th May 2007
A new patch has been released, likely to be the last of the 0.8x series. The patch eliminates some more bugs
and includes a new version of the modesty patch.
For the 0.81a->0.81a v2 patch go here. The new full installer version is available
21st January 2007
The Org Modification Awards 2006
The EB team are delighted to announce that the Totalwar.org community have voted EB, and individual EB members, the following awards:
Favourite RTW Modification
Winner: Europa Barbarorum!
Most Accomplished RTW Modification
Winner: Europa Barbarorum!
Best RTW Classical Period Mod
Winner: Europa Barbarorum!
Best Original Audio (Total War Series)
Winner: Europa Barbarorum!
Best Individual 3D Artist (Total War series)
Runner up: Aymar de Bois Mauri!
Honorable mention: spirit_of_rob!
We thank all those who voted!
15th March 2007

Artwork gallery updated again. Click here to visit.
You can also view the EB Unit Development Art Thread at the forums.
Also all factions' unit pages have been updated to reflect the factions' most common units.
Exception are the Eleutheroi who's unit page will be updated later, due to having ten times more units.
The Downloads Artwork section has also been updated with new signature images.
11th March 2007
Unit pages for some factions have been updated over the past couple of days.
27th February 2007
New Artwork gallery added. Quicklink here!!
18th February 2007
EB v0.81 is released! Read the public announcement here.
For the 0.8->0.81 patch go here.
The full installer version is available here.
5th December 2006
EB v0.8 is released!!
Click here to read the news announcement and a list of changes.
Click this link to download the mod.
Go here for the Gaesatae/Tindanotae Censored Pack.
The website has been given an update as well, except for the Faction unit pages, which will be periodically updated throughout later.
3rd October 2006
The latest EB music preview can be found here. Featuring an interview with Nick Wylie and the music made by him for EB.
1st September 2006
Romani GUI Released released for EB 0.74! Check out this thread
over at our official forums for more info.
26th August 2006
Battle of Magnesia addon released for EB 0.74. Go to the Downloads page to grab it.
Check out this news post for more info about the addon and the battle itself.
Also check out the Music section for the Western Greek & Eastern soundtracks. And take a peek at the new Sweboz History page.
18th August 2006
The 2nd Quarter TWCenter Modder Award results are in, with the EB team picking up several major awards. See our Awards Page for further details.
18th August 2006

EB would like to recognise the contribution of one of our collaborators, Les Ambiani, in assisting our work on the Celtic factions.
21st July 2006

EB is happy to announce that we have our own music now, composed to us to by Morgan Casey & Nick Wylie. Click the image above to go to our new Music section to listen to some samples.
21st July 2006
The EB website has been given some much needed updates.
Check the Galleries for new screenshots, including the new 3D Models gallery.
For the latest activities and progress on EB check the forums.
10th April 2006
TWC Awards:
First Quarter 2006 Modder and Member Awards
Best Mod
Europa Barbororum
Best Modding Team
Europa Barbarorum
Best Map
Europa Barbarorum
Best Coder
Best Modder
Best Skinner
Best Historian
19th March 2006
The 0.74 patch has been released! Download it here.
15th March 2006
EB Status report and a sneak peek on new units that will be added later has been posted. Read it here.
6th March 2006
New patch and hotfix for EB released. Download v0.7.3 from here.
9th January 2006
The Org Award winners!
Most Promising Mod: EB Best Mod Guide Writer: Epistolary Richard Best Artist (Hon. Mention): Prometheus Best Mod Tool Creator: Vercingetorix Outstanding Member: Mouzafphaerre Outstanding RTW Modder (Hon. Mention): [cF] Adherbal
1st January 2006
TWC Award winners!
Most Promising Mod: EB Best Modding Team: EB Best Modder: lt1956 Best Skinner: Prometheus Best Coder: Vercingetorix
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